Monday, July 2, 2012

123 DAYS

Amidst  almost a year of exploring the Tabernacle theme, I approached this past Lent with a wish to make a daily practice of considering the holy presence in each person.  Hopefully, a much more meaningful practice than my typical and often failed attempts at "giving up" chocolate, soft drinks, Starbucks.  I had  been keeping a 10 ft tall roll of very nice drawing paper (since 1992!)  for a special occasion and this clearly was it.  A place to concretely, verifiably practice recognizing the presence of God in each and every person I encountered.  I documented each person with whom I had more than a "hi-how-are-you-fine-how-are-you" exchange at the end of each day, by writing these names in a sketchbook .  *since I am also a therapist, many names were changed for confidentiality*  Every 2-3 days I wrote them out on the mural size paper (attached to a wall outside my studio) numbering them according to the day, and "building" a community while I drew.  Easter came and went, and my practice continued.  The value was in recognizing  not only the "tabernacle" of each person, but this community we form by our encounters with one another.   I ended at 123 days, the day before hanging the show, and while this particular piece won't be installed until the official "opening" on Friday,July 13th  (6-8pm) ,  I continue to think of all of you with this image of holiness and community in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...what a lovely practice Holly! And what a lot of beautiful moments you've been able to enjoy and share with others for these 123 days...congratulations on following the Light in others and in yourself.
    Namaste' & Peace to You Always ~ xo Kate
