Sunday, June 10, 2012

doing the PIG GIG JIG!

I'm not sure who is family (so tired of my talking about, stressing over, working on this porker), Olive (a jealous dog), or ME!  It was a very fun adventure, but I am ready to be about some new projects, including an exhibit coming up at the end of June.  (I'll share details later)   Thanks for all of the visits and support!  Tomorrow we head down to Northside for clear-coating.  Artworks picks up from there....installing her somewhere downtown .  Stay posted for details as to where and when, and thanks again everyone!


  1. one very awesome pig....let us know where it ends up.

  2. Hi Holly,

    Steve Ballard was kind enough to send out a note on your website...great to see that you are following you dreams on being an artist. Wishing you continuing good fortune on your way.

    Doug Olson
